We briefly summarize our small animals here. A farm is nothing without animals. Socialization is essential. Recycling leftovers protects the environment. There are so many reasons for these beauties.
Our inventory currently includes:
- Cameroon sheep (hair sheep) and Quessant (dwarf wool sheep)
- Rabbit mixes from noble breeds (Viennese, giant, piebald, large silver)
- Dwarf rabbits and Minilops
- different colored quail, including celadon (green layer)
- 1 pair of canaries, Karu and Pavarotti live with us in the dining room
- 1 pair of agaponids (small parrots), also known as lovebirds or lovebirds
- several layers of different breeds, currently mainly Araucana (green layer)
- several gold and koi fish
Some pictures also show earlier companions and old stables. You never stop making things better somehow ;)
junge Brut von Karu & Pavarotti
fast flügge Kanarienjungvögel
alter Hühnerstall mit Serama (Zwerghühner)
unsere Herde wächst und kann sich auf fast 3 ha austoben :)
Watte, Egon, Casper und Zucker